The permanent space - Contemporary Artist
El espacio permanente

Sofía Cristina is a visual artist from Madrid, creator of El Espacio Permanente.
After more than thirteen years working as Manager for international luxury companies such as Loewe or Delpozo, since 2019 she has focused on developing her creative art studio.
Although I searched for it, I could not find another path that could calm my spirit, and it is in the most turbulent moments, when our vocation returns to heal us
Space where only the soul sprouts
|and the calm is perpetual|.
The permanent space
In her works, both on canvas and paper, she explores complex contemporary concepts and realities through surreal creations accompanied by poetry and wordplay; she aspires to move the audience and escape with them into the world she has created, where images condense abstract and sometimes opposing feelings.
Recently, for her poetic work, she was awarded the first prize in Spanish poetry in 2021 by the IE Foundation, and for her pictorial work, she received the Certificate of Artistic Merit 2021 from La Pinacothèque, a museum in Luxembourg.
In January 2022, she presented the series "Plastic Nature" and "Childhood" at ART3F, the International Contemporary Art Fair in Paris.
In August 2022, she was selected to participate in an exhibition at the Zabaleta Museum as part of the LII International Painting Contest in homage to Rafael Zabaleta.
In September 2022, the work "Essence of Sayalonga" was selected for an exhibition at the Morisco Museum in Sayalonga.
In October 2022, the work "Plastic Nature: the Tiger and the Monkey" was selected for exhibition at the 89th Autumn Salon at Casa de Vacas (El Retiro, Madrid), organized by the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors.
In November 2022, the works "Metallic Light," "Bath of Two Sponges," and "Phantom Stravaganza" were part of the 7th Drawing Salon of AEPE (Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors).
In December 2022, she received an Honorable Mention in the YOT Art Prize.
In May 2023, she was selected to participate in the 17th Spring Salon at the Municipal Museum of Valdepeñas.
In November 2023 the artwork and the poem "The Cage" were shortlisted with an special mention in TherapyArt contest hosted by Cultura Inquieta.
In November 2023 the artwork "Air" was selected for exhibition at the 90th Autumn Salon at Casa de Vacas (El Retiro, Madrid), organized by the Spanish Association of Painters and Sculptors.
©All rights reserved. Sofía Cristina Jiménez, 2023.
Find out more about the artist in her interview for Kooness: her inspiration, her process and her influences
Shortlisted, XXVIII Juan Almagro International Competition, Jaen
Shortlisted, IX Drawing and Illustration Salon, Madrid
Shortlisted, Fidel Maria Puebla National Competition, Toledo.
Artist of the month, Museo Cromática, Toledo
Shortlisted, 90 Salón de Otoño, Casa de vacas ( El Retiro) , Madrid
Shortlisted, Special Mention, Concurso TherapyArt, Madrid
Shortlisted, XVII Salón de Primavera, Museo municipal de Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real
Honorable Mention , YOT Art Prize
Shortlisted, VII Illustration and Drawing Salon, Madrid
Shortlisted, 89 Salón de Otoño, Casa de vacas ( El Retiro) , Madrid
Shortlisted, XXIICertamen Nacional "Adolfo Córdoba", Museo Morisco de Sayalonga, Málaga
Shortlisted, LII Certamen Internacional "Rafael Zabaleta", Museo Zabaleta, Jaén
Artistic merit certificate, La Pinacotheque, Luxermburg
First prize, Poetry in Spanish by IE Foundation , Madrid
Artist of the month, Gallery Riviera, Benalmádena, Málaga.
Permanent Collection, Chromatic Museum, Toledo
SOLO exhibition, Plastic Nature , Juca Claret gallery, Madrid
ART MADRID 2024 represented by Uxval Gochez gallery, Barcelona
P³- Pintores pensando en pintura, Galería Espacio 75, Madrid
ART3F Salon International Contemporary art, Paris, France
Entre Flores by NikuaFloral ,Ermita de Tudela de Duero
Advanced Management Program_ IE Business School, Madrid
Master in Marketing Management _ Polytechnic University of Madrid
Master Communication & Fashion Industry_ European Institute of Design, Madrid
Major in Communications _ Saint Louis University (MO,EEUU)
Minor in Studio Art _ Saint Louis University (MO,EEUU)